Sunday, March 31, 2013

30k Race: Short in America Means Pretty Long

I raced a 30k in North Park this Saturday at Just a Short Run 2013. It went well, and I finished in 2:00:03. It's slower than my last year's result by ~100 seconds. On the other hand, it's my first [completed] race this season, and I wasn't inclined to do it all-out. The details are below.

The weather on the race day was nothing but beautiful: the super-clear sky, very sunny, 40F (4C) at the start, and then heating up slowly to something like 55F (12C) at the finish. I want the same weather on the day I die.

A bit depressive view of North Park in March.

Lake Ontario!
Every time I see a lake, I hope it's Ontario.

The boathouse: the least known side.

Moreover, I ended up 4th overall, effectively sharing 4-5th places with Rob who was very helpful with pacing through the whole race. The prize money was $20, so I'll buy myself a couple of expensive beers (which proved to affect racing results less because they burn my cash faster).

Not anyone can smile before a 30k.
Most people would sob silently, I know.

The relaxed moments before the start.
Soooo different from my track races.
The gate (of hell).
Quite a few people chose (voluntarily) to suffer early Saturday morning.
Err, I mean run a 30k.
My pace was stable, around 6:25-6:30 min/mile for the whole time. The average final pace was 6:27 (4:01 min/km), which was faster than I expected for 18.6mi. The badass hill in the beginning didn't help, but apparently didn't hurt much too. Speaking of hills, here's the race route (I mapped it myself, so it's broken a bit). I kinda hate mapmyrun, but it's among the few websites that provide elevation charts with a reasonable amount of usual functions.

0.03% in the race: 10 meters done, 29990 to go.

Shortly after the start.
A few other distances comprising Just a Short Run were offered at the same day (but a different starting position such that the finish line is in the same place): 5k, 8.1mi, and half-marathon. All this resulted in me passing a lot of slower people. If I got a cent for each runner I passed, I'd be able to get an ice cream. Luckily, I'm still able to get it even without that reward system.

After 8.6 miles, 10 to go.

After 13.6 miles, 5 to go.

North park has one big downside as a racing location: it gets old and boring. One moment in the race one running woman said loudly, "but it's a totally new course!" And Rob was like, "bullshit."

Despite getting a bit sore, we maintained the pace and finished the race without much drama.

At the finish line.
Disregard the time: it's tracking half-marathoners who started 4 min later.

30000 meters out of 30000 meters.
This is awesome.

Elite Runners and Walkers put together a nice race. It started on time, and mile markers were not too off. Volunteers did a great job at handing out gatorade, water, and gels. The only suggestion I have is to eliminate school buses (used as shuttles), which threw their exhausts at runners.

With a smile.

With a smile and some cash.

Having an intimate dialog with my right foot.
If I could make this face on purpose, I'd be a successful actor.

I owe some credit to my mom who's currently visiting me and took all these pictures.
No, she didn't race.
My experience says I'm bad at convincing people to run.
With all that said, I'm happy to be coming back from injuries. If there is such a thing as a reassuring first race in a season, this was certainly one of them.

My next race is probably Pittsburgh Marathon Relay on May 5 unless a big fat asteroid crashes into Western PA.

Update 1:  more photos from the run.

A couple of selected ones:

At the start.

At the finish.
Update 2: results.
Update 3: finish line video:


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