Sunday, September 18, 2011

Language Switching Shortcut

Now I'm finally coming to an idea of having an unusual keyboard shortcut for language switching, as opposed to the conventional  LCtrl+LShift or LAlt+LShift. Both of these suck when I'm using the keyboard to paste into a terminal (Ctrl+Shift+V) or reverse-cycle through windows (Alt+Shift+Tab) because they get triggered accidentally (at least, in most desktop environments). Also, I want to have the same shortcut on all of my systems, which means it should consist of two simultaneous key presses and be keyboard-independent because that's the common denominator for most shortcut config dialogs I've seen.

Trying LCtrl+RCtrl right now. This is worse since it takes both hands, but we'll see how it works.

Update:  settled on LShift + RShift. Deemed it the most cross-platform and ergonomic combination ever.


  1. Not quite shure that it's possible, but may be one can use Scroll Lock for switching languages?

    p.s. Your post gave me an idea about at least one hotkey for true cowboy Ctrl + Shift + V.

  2. One can use scrolllock, I guess; though, under windows that would require 3rd party software or tinkering with registry. But usually this key is too far away - and again, it engages the right hand, while my language changing instincts are somehow wired to the left.
